Why do I like the Denon 103r so much?

I have a Shelter 5000 but I got a great deal on a Denon 103R that I would try for fun or to have a cheap cartridge for crappy records. I put it on today and I'm floored...it is so alive..so forward, but in a great way. Is the Shelter too smooth, is it broken? Im confused, why do I like the Denon so much?
I am setting up a second system, and am interested in the 103. I own the A23 (Denon 103) Step UP Transformer, which I occasionally use in my main system.
The thing is, getting a compatible TT/ Tonearm setup that will work. I believe the 103 likes a heavier arm, at least medium mass...? Any suggestions here?
My price range is around 2K for BOTH table and Tonearm.
I have a Well Tempered Amadeus, A23 SUT, and 103R. it's a great combo! you can get a new Simplex, which I hear sounds very close to the Amadeus, for $2k.
FJN, I use the D103R with a Jelco SA750D tonearm - its a great combination for very reasonable money

Good Listening

Assuming one already has the suitable phono section for a low output MC cart like the 103R, my 80's vintage Linn Axis table with stock Linn Basik tonearm does amazingly well with the 103R. 103R + used Linn Axis in good condition if you can find one comes in well under $1000 and is very hard to fault IMHO.
I believe the 103 likes a heavier arm, at least medium mass...?

If you run the DL103's factory specs (e.g., dynamic compliance of 5) for arm/cartridge resonance, you'd need a tonearm with an effective mass of 30g or so. Apparently this is not the case and Denon's compliance spec may have been derived from a different methodology than others. Although I have no direct experience with the DL103 series, I have an audiobuddy who has used one quite successfully on tonearms with an effective mass of 12g. This forum also has plenty of confirmations that the DL103 series works very well with medium-mass tonearms.

12g is a very mainstream effective tonearm mass, shared by the Rega RB30x series and even the tonearm on the Technics SL12x0 series.