Hi Jim (fellow Ref 5 owner)
This Pre-Streaming madness blows my mind!
I have a DCS Bartok, when connected to my router with a cheap ethernet cable it sounded good. I swapped the cheap cable for an affordable 10m AudioQuest Cinnamon, this gave a slight improvement. I was sceptical about buying a switch so my audiophile mate bought me a cheap Netgear switch to try. It made quite a difference, I was not expecting that. I then bought a English Electric 8 switch which gave an even bigger improvement, (this came with a short cable by Chord). My mate then demonstrated to me that a 'high end' ethernet cable from switch to streamer was necessary. He used a David Laboga Ruby, top of the range and bloody expensive. This did show another level of improvement though. Following this demo, I bought a Sablon Cable (rest of my loom is from Sablon Audio) and although not as good as the Ruby I was happy with it.
This is the Crazy part for me and I just don't understand what is happening - someone please explain ....
If I add back into my system the cheap Netgear switch as well as the EE8 switch it sounds better!?
to summarise this is now my set up ....
ROUTER -Chord cable - NETGEAR SWITCH - Audioquest cable - EE8 SWITCH - Sablon cable - STREAMER
If I remove any part of this signal path it has a detrimental effect on sound.
My mate btw, has a very expensive Innuos Phoenix Net switch connected via his Laboga Ruby cable into a DCS Rossini .... AND, he also has a cheap Netgear switch daisy chained as well - NUTS!