I think that a lot of what people mean by speakers "opening up" when being fed by a measurably bigger amp is actually related to the lack of dynamic compression that the bigger amp doesn't have to deal with. Not only does the sound improve in terms of spl capacity, it sounds far more liquid, natural and suffers from far less grain and grit. Loud actually becomes LOUD, yet it does not sound as loud because the amp is not "straining" ( rhymes with "graining" ). You can listen louder AND suffer less fatigue.
This is also one of the reasons that active multi-amping can sound so much better i.e. the strain has been taken off of one amp and divided amongst two, three, four, etc.... The system picks up more dynamic headroom and each amp benefits from less strain and a smaller amount of reactance to deal with in a limited bandwidth. Sean
This is also one of the reasons that active multi-amping can sound so much better i.e. the strain has been taken off of one amp and divided amongst two, three, four, etc.... The system picks up more dynamic headroom and each amp benefits from less strain and a smaller amount of reactance to deal with in a limited bandwidth. Sean