why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable

I have tried expensive cables and one's moderately priced. I would say there were some differences but I can't actually say the expensive cables were better. IMHO I believe a lot of people buy expensive cables because they don't actual trust their ears and are afraid of making a mistake. They figure the expensive cables are better for the fact they cost more. If you have a difference of opinion or share the same thoughts, I would like to hear about it.
"They can't be too specific because its impossible listen to everything in all possible combinations. Also factor in personal taste."
The personal taste was in choosing their product . Sell the product with the knowledge of how to get the very best performance from there product
Who likes going around the merry go round over and over , Start to feel dizzy after a while . How many of you like to feel you may not be using the right (best) cable ? No interest in buying fifteen different cables to simply find the one that has the proper design to fit a particular piece of gear .
"Most manufacturers do give some general info on how to get the best from the speakers, in the owners manual and/or online. Another option is to call them directly. If you tell them about your system and taste, you usually get much more info out of them"
I find the power requirement specs a joke . Magnepan for example states something like 100 - 200 watts for their speakers . Not much info there . same goes for all speaker specs i have read for speakers bought in the past .
Lets use the sports car analogy once again . You buy a supercar but they leave a crucial aspect for performance up to you to decide . Unless you are a car designer you are not going to want to make that choice on your own .
No manufacturer will knowingly publish something that might limit sales. That's why most speaker makers understate what power is needed for best performance. It would scare off potential customers in many cases if they told them how much power was needed for optimal performance.
I said I was going to take no further part in this thread, but spurious claims by the usual suspects forced my hand. I have the following observations on this subject;

I avoid cable manufacturers who make outlandish claims about heretofore unknown space age technology, who then proceed to publish copious amounts of technical and semi-technical information on their website for sponsored shills and hangers on to then endlessly copy and paste on this site.

Secondly, it occurs to me if you were genuinely content with the quality and sound of your cables you would not need to repeatedly post about the qualities and performance of your cables, unless you a/ felt the need to justify their high cost by continuously brow-beating other members, b/ were not actually content with how they sound & were simply trying to mask buyer's remorse by convincing others how good they are, c/ were jealous of other members who own cables you knew sound better & probably cost less than your cables, or /d were actively shilling for a manufacturer (whether directly employed by the manufacturer or doing so of your own accord in the hope of special deals or on their products or public recognition in return).

I'm guilty as charged for rabitting on endlessly about my Magico S5's, and I worked out why. They are very good speakers, that's true. But I wasn't content with where I was impatient to move up the Magico line to the S7's. The problem was I was ruined back in 1991 when I got to hear a pair of Infinity IRS-V's in a treated listening room which simply blew me away. The IRS-V's have been my reference ever since, and the benchmark by which I judge all other loudspeakers. So I can own up on that, but I have no such anxiety about my Jorma Prime and Statement cables. They are keepers and I will never sell them.