Why do people that are Into rap and hip-hop even want a high-end audio system

Until recently I always thought that guys into high-end audio listened to Classical, Jazz, Blues and some classic rock. I never knew that some listened to rap or hip hop. It would seem to me that rap or hip-hop would sound better on a low to mid-fi system rather than a high-end system. What do you think?
Nope there is no moderation. It is what it is.  Started a whole thread directed at me. Lol. Just because I'm hip hop and refined.  Lol. 
Rap music on Vandersteen 7's. I am sure Richard Vandersteen would really appreciate that.

I don't need Richard Vinklesteen's appreciation to play any damn thing I want on my system.
I bet Mr. Vandersteen can bust a mean rhyme. 

(Apologies for butchering the lingo, but the visual in my head was so funny. :-).