As a group the people who participate on this forum are most generous, well intentioned and highly knowledgeable. If a person presents a well thought out question or solicitation for information, they can get very useful responses. On the other hand, if someone asks "What's the best" or "is X an upgrade over Y", then all they will get back are opinions of varying quality. To get the best from this forum someone has to know enough to ask the "right" questions.
My pet peeves are OPs who omit vital information from their posts and OPs who never participate in their own threads. After you ask a question and get numerous responses it would be nice to find out what you did with the information.
My pet peeves are OPs who omit vital information from their posts and OPs who never participate in their own threads. After you ask a question and get numerous responses it would be nice to find out what you did with the information.