You guys are silly. Even in areas of the country where we enjoy some hobbyist density, there simply are not enough of us to keep this imaginary enterprise running. Ordinary non-audio people who have no interest in this stuff and don't care about specs, tube complements, driver technology or sampling rates are not going to pay admission to this place any more than I would pay to look at guns and camo fashions at Cabelas. Don't care is don't care.
Another point to consider is that the few places in our vast country that have the audiophile numbers to make this enterprise even remotely plausible happen to be the places most likely to have dealers.
Last point, and I hope you can at last grasp this:
You are in fantasyland. You come off like religious zealots who simply cannot imagine that anyone could experience the holy ghost or holy grail or holy sound as you experience it and remain unmoved. Fact is, though, they can. Even though you have discovered the one true short cut to heaven, they still will prefer to watch the TV, surf the net, hunt and fish, refinish furniture, paint the back porch, go bowling, read the wisdom of OchoCinco, collect stamps, sail their boat, plow their fields, etc. This is because we are all different. We all have areas of interest and they can be mutually exclusive. Some people even prefer to make their own music.
We need to get over ourselves. I'm sure there are threads out there wondering how the hell you manage to live a happy life if you don't make your own sauerkraut.