Why don't upgrade the wires and components inside our units?

I notice that everyone talks about upgrading their power cords, interconnect cables and even power fuses but nobody looks at upgrading the internal items. 

There is much more to be gained there.



                      Why do so many* make such ignorant assumptions?

      I've been upgrading caps in signal paths, modding/improving power supplies, and using Teflon insulated/oxygen-free wire w/ferrite beads (when appropriate), for myself, as well as numerous customers, since the early Eighties.

     Same silly song as those that assume: no one but they are aware of the necessity of room/acoustic treatments, prior to making system tweaks.

                                            *The AudiogoN WOKE?


Why don't upgrade the wires and components inside our units?

I notice that EVERYONE (?) talks about upgrading their power cords, interconnect cables and even power fuses but NOBODY (?) looks at upgrading the internal items. 

No doubt modding is steep learning curve. One has to limit change to one variable at a time, experience and/or research into particular parts sound qualities critical.


Listen, determine what you don't like about present sound, change out what you think is offending part with the chosen new part. Certainly, there is chance new part may not be to your liking, in which case you try another. I've had to go through this exact procedure any number of times over twenty year of modding. With experience these mistakes become much less common.


My present dac and custom built 300B monoblocks both use silver wired transformers.

Sure.  Everything matters, so why wouldn’t upgrading internal cables.  But, you’re messing with the voicing the original designer intended and that works with the drivers he’s using and the crossover he deigned using the existing wires.  Cables are so situation specific, I’d think your about as likely to degrade the sound as improve it unless you have the blessing of the designer.