Why I prefer gear that is made domestically

I find you have a better chance of getting parts and service if you buy a domestic product. Sure some domestic companies go out of business but nothing is full proof. If I need a part for my VPI turntable or ARC electronics I can usually get them within a week. When I had Dynaudio speakers I blew out a driver and had to wait 3 months to get one from Denmark. Since I didn't have another speaker at the time it made it inconvenient for me. No knock on Dynaudio. I really like their speakers. But if I had domestically made speaker I most likely could of got a part within a couple of weeks. 
Taters your are a navel gazing factory my man!
It's been a long time since I've guffawed. 

I've had really great luck dealing with domestic audio. Firms like Cary Audio, Soundscience, PS Audio, VPI, Many US cable manufacturers. Even Canadian  Coincident Audio. It is absolutely great to  call  and talk to the designer of the equipment you are using. I think thats worth half the price of the equipment you purchase. 
nonoise my pleasure ;) and taters no insult intended whatsoever just marveling.
Sounds like that should be part of your due diligence if availability of parts is important to you.  It is very true that a local manufacturer is more likely to have parts more readily available, but w the global supply chain now in force, that's no guarantee.  I've gotten good service and bad in terms of parts availability from US and offshore companies. 
I bought a Van Alstine Synergy 450 amp because it sounds like a big modern tube amp and is far better than the Odyssey amp I was using,at least on the classical music I listen to.
The fact I live 15 minutes from his place played a role too.
I took it in to have loose speaker terminals fixed, my fault from using death grip locking SC connections, and in a half-hour was good to go.And got to listen to Mozart on his new Janzen  "stats while I waited !