Price has anything to do with consumer products.
You pay you get. Miracles do not happen. Since a preamp comparison was mentioned, one costing 2k and the other 20k, which one is better? Easy the more expensive one, because in an accompanying system of relative value it would show less limitations compared to the more economic one. That does not limit the quality of the 2k one, which in turn could be better than a 3k preamp, making it a an excellent choice for the right system and most likely above that.
One of the issues is who can bring lower pricing on a statement product, my answer would be the big guns, you know the ones that produce mass market goods also, have the resources and the ability, and care to see in the end a profitable category and not product alone. Unfortunately snobbish behaviours apply to this hobby as elsewhere. Reasons for not succeeding has nothing to do with sound quality or construction but rather distribution, lower margins and not so perfect after sales service. Back to square one.