Detail done right, like my Schitt Yggi+ OG DAC is amazing. I think the new SimAudio North Collection amps are getting raves because of the detail but also the natural sound of that detail. They are (almost?) as detailed as the Benchmark AHB2.
I love the RAAL SR1a and the Immanis phones because they are uber detailed. The Immanis being like the North Collection amps with the natural sound. That is why there is a world-wide lineup of buyers to get these phones.
I have been listening to my SR1a phones for the past 4+ hours into the night as I work and there is 0 fatigue. Sound is so good I am not missing my 2-channel.
The KEF LS50 Meta + KEF KC62 sub in a small room is amazing. I liked the wall of sound of the Magnepan LRS+ with the same sub, but it definitely was not as nice sounding as the LS50 Meta. The LRS+ was more interesting sonically with the massive deep soundstage. The only time I did not choose detail.