As the aging gentleman said as he abruptly exited the room ... "Depends"
The term "detail" would imply "information", So what could be wrong with more information? It depends/Depends.
When we made the transition into HDTV, those prominent primetime news anchors looked ..uh .. 30 years older. Didn't help their ratings. Or, make our TV dinners more palettable while watching.
Those "details" also contain spacial information which plays a major role in focus, staging, and "air" in the presentation.
Sometimes the "details" are just right, but the room is getting in the way of an, otherwise, magnificent presentation.
Or, sometimes the "details" sound perfect to our ears at moderate levels, but when dynamic passages are presented and other parts of the music just can't keep up, and those ":details" become prominent, and overwhelming.
Like the time when we run into an old high school flame 30 years after graduation wearing short shorts. More information is not always better.