Why Music Has Lost it’s Charms (Article)

I found this article while surfing the web tonight. If it’s already been posted I apologize.




I disagree with your reply, and offer you... The real push behind it was nefarious, though that is denied by those who had the power to make it so.

But it is musician that must decide to use this frequency or not.... Engineer can do nothing save "reproduce" what musician decide they will play... And this is another question only musicians can decide anyway...


i was answering about this problem by the immediate only solution : an awakening of the musicians themselves...


But you are right about this  "conspiration"...


It is not the first and last "conspiration" origin ...A change so impactful cannot be implemented only by ignorance....

Medecine and education and banking were oriented by another "conspirations"...

History is like hunting, there is tracks...

And ordinary people, me included, cannot fathom evil depth...It takes a Dostoievesky at least...Where is our Dostoievsky today?

The only writer who described all this crisis i know of  and  most importantly proposed pragmatical  and spiritual solutions died in 1925...

He described before his visible advent the transhumanism/ globalist/ technological cult agenda orientation in this world in details...

Rudolf Steiner... The greatest Goethe scholar...A  chistian seer also....

He wrote about agriculture, medecine, education, art, science and spirituality...

He will be understood better soon, materialism is dying but alas! technology cult replace it... But humanity will not accept it.... If we do, we lost all  freedom...

The agenda is clearly written by Klaus Schwab and Yuval Noah Harari...Only ignorance can deny it...



What was your career in? How long have you been retired?


I was guiding university students in their readings...3 years, just before covid...

My interests included mathematics, poetry, linguistics, spirituality, philosophy mainly... As an aside astrology and natural science....

My main interests is the way all fields of learning are connected by a higher perspective....

In one book the best writer about this , save Goethe himself, is : Jean Gebser, "the ever present origin"...

A changing life book.... Try it...But not easy reading at all.... The writer is a polymath...

If you study in the same time Ernst Cassirer  "philosophy of the symbolic forms" deep  exploration of a Goethan semiotic of culture to complete what is lacking in Gebser, you will  have the deepest possible perspective in philosphy  of knowledge and not only restricted philosophy of science... Cassirer was a deep Goethe scholar after being a Kant one ....He corrected what was missing in  Kant by Goethe  genetic and phenomenological  approach so to speak...Goethe is a greater phenomenologist than even Husserl... But Goethe dont explain itself for the sake of explaining itself,  he was  in art and natural science writing not philosophy...Leonardo da Vinci used the same method than Goethe before him.... It is astonishing...

This  goethean method is best described by a physicist disciple of David Bohm  in few books : Henri Bortoft....

 And this method is extensively applied in animal morphology by  Wolgang Schad in an 1300 pages  master book so great that anyone who read it will fall of his chair...😁😊


I must say about the 432 and 440 hertz controversies...I dont know if there is

only a pragmatic industry decision behind it, or not, but for sure our body react to frequencies in a direct way our consciousness did not...Then just comparing in non controlled condition few seconds songs to sense if there is a difference or not is preposterous...

It is not our biased conscious ability to do so or not, which is at stake here, but the way our body/mind react... The mind is not only the conscious tip of the iceberg we call ego...The mind is the body too...

Then we must listen to the two frequencies in an hour long comparison in few days repeat...

I am certain that a difference will be perceived...

I sense it but my listening is biased for sure... 😁😊





Context: The current reference frequency for tuning musical instruments is 440 Hz. Some theorists and musicians claim that the 432 Hz tuning has better effects on the human body, but there are no scientific studies that support this hypothesis.

Objective: To identify differences in vital parameters and perceptions after listening to music at different frequencies, 440 Hz versus 432 Hz.

Design: Cross-over pilot study.

Setting: A room dedicated to listening to music, in an Italian city.

Participants: 33 volunteers, not suffering from acute and/or chronic diseases.

Interventions: Two sessions of music listening on different days. Both sessions used the same music (movie soundtracks) but tuned to 440 Hz on one day and 432 Hz on the other. Each session consisted of 20 min’ listening.

Main outcome measures: Vital parameters (blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, oxygen saturation), perceptions (physical and emotional sensations, for example fatigue and stress), levels of concentration during the listening session, and general satisfaction with the experience.

Results: 432 Hz tuned music was associated with a slight decrease of mean (systolic and diastolic) blood pressure values (although not significant), a marked decrease in the mean of heart rate (-4.79 bpm, p = 0.05) and a slight decrease of the mean respiratory rate values (1 r.a., p = 0.06), compared to 440 Hz. The subjects were more focused about listening to music and more generally satisfied after the sessions in which they listened to 432 Hz tuned music.

Conclusions: The data suggests that 432 Hz tuned music can decrease heart rate more than 440 Hz tuned music. The study results suggest repeating the experiment with a larger sample pool and introducing randomized controlled trials covering more clinical parameters.



But this matter being very complex...

There exist also opposite conclusion from other experiment:




Conclusion: this problem is a bit more complex than meet the eye at first here...

I am not enough competent to solve it in an objective way...I hadmy opinion based only in my listening, but it will take me months of study to solve this for sure.... Not 2 articles...



But there is another one here in favor of 432 hertz:




I disagree with your reply, and offer you... The real push behind it was nefarious, though that is denied by those who had the power to make it so.



Here another convincing one in favor of 432 hertz:





Only sets of measures of the human metabolism under different frequencies exposure will settle the matter...

Research about "conscious" perceived differences between these frequencies are not convincing at all... 😁😊


Because the mind is not the conscious ego, and the effect on the listener is not an effect on his concious ego filtered by conscious biases but effects on his mind/body metabolism which for the most part is a subconscious sea...


To end or to begin the reflection: this very neutral article is interesting with the main proponent, Lyndon Larouche, before Dr.  Leonard  Horiwitz himself,  of "the 440 conspiracy" analysed :

Go on the internet to read this article, i cannot put the link to open here...

Perfect Pitch: 432 Hz Music and the Promise of Frequency by RE Rosenberg · 2021

@mahgister I appreciate the data relating to the 432 vs. 440 Hz thing.

I have not given the issue much time.  I usually tune my instruments to 440 as that is the common standard, and may look into a conscious effort to at least try tuning my guitars (I’m bot a piano tuner, so that bad boy will have to stay “as is” for now) to 440 Hz, see what happens.