Why not horns?

I've owned a lot of speakers over the years but I have never experienced anything like the midrange reproduction from my horns. With a frequency response of 300 Hz. up to 14 Khz. from a single distortionless driver, it seems like a no-brainer that everyone would want this performance. Why don't you use horns?
Horns in general are quite sensitive. It is incorrect to generalize similarly about horn owners.

In my own case, I am not particularly sensitive about negativity but I do find myself growing impatient at times with those who insist upon imposing poorly informed or uninformed aspersions on the entire horn category. There are many different horn designs, many different implementations and many different applications. Any and all of these are apt to be misapplied and/or misunderstood by individuals who are mischievous, malicious or naive.

If you read back through this thread carefully, you will find all of the above.

For my part, Bill Woods horns proved to be perfect. Notice the word "proved". I'm offering a well-established, thoroughly vetted, personal opinion. That means I am not wrong. Can't be. Anyone is welcome to disagree as to their own experience but no one can disqualify my experience.

On a similar note, let me ask if anyone here has actually heard the Acoustic Horn AH300 with B&C DCX 50 compression driver? I know of a few members who have but I suspect they are not to be found amongst the critics.

JW5115 - Your messages do not seem to come from a sober person whose first language is English. I find myself guessing as to what you are trying to say. Try again. No caps, please.
I am not sensitive at all about negativity, except if delivered in a malicious manner. Its a fact of life that there is probably nothing that is immune from being disliked, even Scotty McCreary.

Its a slippery slope to do anything that discourages open discourse......
Back on the positive note regarding horns, I just picked up a pair of TAD 125 Hibachi 2 monoblocks that I am acclimating to in my 2 channel a/v system currently.

I suspect these are probably the first amps I have owned that would seem to be overtly horn friendly, so this opens up some future possibilities, though WAF is still a big barrier for me to trying horns in a serious manner.
Mapman - Does your wife need you to approve her hairstyle and attire before she can step out of the front door? Does she have to consider HAF when discussing decorating or gardening choices with her friends?

Just buy the damn horns and get it over with. And give it a fair shot. You are very knowledgeable vis a vis hi fi. Try something real like Oris, AH!, Edgar, etc. Klipsch Forte, while good for what it is, doesn't have the pizazz to get you past your Walsh infatuation.
Thanks MJ, I will consider that advice.

Unfortunately for horns, I am drowning in good sound everywhere at the moment already and not enough time to listen to what I already have, so I am not feeling the need to make another major investment quite yet.

I also have two kids still to send to college.

Someday when the urge reaches critical mass in relation to the big picture, I may take the plunge in that I suspect it is true that very good horns may be one of the only designs that might substitute for what I have, hence the interest. But only if I am able to do it right and in harmony with the rest of my life.