Why so many angry audiophiles?

Just wondering. Music is supposed to soothe the soul. If you are in reasonably good health for your age, have a good system and good music to play on it you have it pretty good it seems to me. These are blessings! Be thankful for what you got?

Just a thought.  That's how I see it.
I can't help seeing Red every time I view MillerCarbon's system pics.

I suppose in practical terms, it is just bad internet manners.  We all get angry and post at times, but maybe we can just try to not respond to the worst offenders.  Maybe they'll get tired of talking to themselves and try to be a little more civil.
Social media trolls are just like any other antagonists. Take road rage for instance. When that overly aggressive driver pulls up next to you and starts honking the horn, he/she is just begging for you to look over and give him/her the fuel needed to continue the burn. When you ignore them, it takes all the wind out of their sails. I have been baited once or twice in these forums. I never respond back in any provocative way because I refuse to give them the fuel they are looking for. They aren’t worth the effort it takes to lower myself to their level.
When I respond to posts here, I try very hard to make it clear that what I say is just my opinion, as it applies personally to me and my system, and not something carved in the stone of the audiophile world. How could it possibly be otherwise? We all have different musical tastes, different listening environments, and different ears. Unfortunately, no matter the venue, you're always going to have "ball busters" trying to make everyone else as miserable as they are. Whether or not you supply their fuel is up to you.
@mapman , 

I agree.  I'm not sure what it is.  I'm on other forums unrelated or less related to this one and folks are more open and excited just to have others with the same interests to "talk to/with"--i.e. guitar forums, diy audio forums, etc.  The consumer electronics side of things is really bizarre to me in this way.  

For instance, on diy audio threads or guitar threads, people are more apt to just help.  If they cannot help or offer something meaningful, they don't jump in.  Here, there are tons of trolls, haters, malcontents, and people who engage in schadenfreude.  What gives?  

Now--full disclaimer--there have been soooooo many here on Audiogon who have helped me over the years!  But it is something to me that many threads I put up involve people making off topic comments, arguing, etc.  Bizarre!