Why so many angry audiophiles?

Just wondering. Music is supposed to soothe the soul. If you are in reasonably good health for your age, have a good system and good music to play on it you have it pretty good it seems to me. These are blessings! Be thankful for what you got?

Just a thought.  That's how I see it.
This is not common to audio forums only (same goes for computer forums, gaming forums, car forums, etc). These type of discussions are much easier and can be very amicable in person. Online, the human element is removed. You are arguing with a computer. Things can get misunderstood, go south, etc. It's not the people, it is the communication interface.
Anger is generated in a lot audiophiles when the reality is nowhere near the promise of buying this or that recommended by professional reviewers or chasing recommendations made by strangers without personal consequences on the internet. It’s very easy to go down the rabbit hole in this hobby and finally coming up poorer and wiser. I have found that buying an entire system that you can hear from the remaining good brick and mortar dealers eliminates a lot of the anger and frustration generated by the hit and miss buying of never heard components off the internet. 
Honestly I think the whole premise of audiophiles being angry is overblown and internet specific. Get most of these guys in person and I'm sure they are largely friendly and interested in talking audio and listening. Online is obviously a different story.
Great thread!

Some individual's self-esteem is apparently based to a large extent upon the degree to which they can feel superior to others.Certain posters on these forums seem to repeatedly initiate or become embroiled in conflicts with others that are more about who is "right"/who knows "best", as opposed to who can offer the most help to others. 

I most appreciate and admire participants who are able to set aside their own preferences and address the needs of those asking for advice within the context of the OP's own preferences. This is the sort of response I've found most helpful. 

Fortunately, there are folks who are stellar at modelling such "good behavior". I'd suggest we'd all benefit if we more closely followed their example ! 



This is easy to sum up..

You got mad in those pants, now get glad in those pants..

A guy from the "The Big Easy", taught me that.. Darn good Mac equipment mechanic too.. Firetrucks.. RIP
