Here you will find the critical part. They buy it often based on confidence in the sales person. When the set was ready they still were not happy.
Often the sales person says: it needs time. They keep on repeating this. Each set I create sounds very good at the first day. After some time even stunning.
Consumers trust the people who sell audio. These days many of them are not honest and second not well educated in knowledge and insight in audio.
Even when we visit shows and there are manufacturers who do the presentation the results are often poor. We see a big lack in knowledge and insight in audio even at manufacturers and distributers.
The word what I hear from people who own a shop or who are a distributer is surviving. They need to pay their bills at the end. This has a huge and negative influence on the level in quality consumers get these days.
This makes it clear why the audio market is a decreasing market. They do not have the power and knowledge to change it. And hat I said earlier: THIS IS WHAT IS NEEDED NOW.
The way they work and think now will have a very bad influeunce on the market. You can’t go on this way.