Why the cost increase?

I went to buy materials for a speaker project. I also priced some T-111 siding on 8" centers, 5/8 thick, Ship lap.
I hadn’t picked up any sheets or anything in over 18 months.

48" x 96 x 5/8 wood siding was 19-26.00 and on sale 15-20.00 per sheet, NOW 74-84.00 per sheet.

MDF 3/4" 48 x 96" if you can find it. 45-55.00 per sheet it was 22.00 to 27.00 per sheet.

2x4x8 DF stud grade 1.99-3.00 per. Now 4-6.00 per stud,

There is no shortage but there sure is a LOT of price gouging. NOTHING changed. Just the price..

The quality is worse. The workers aren’t paid worth a crap...Why the increase?

I’m getting ready to finish my home out. WOW.. I might have to rethink this a bit..

The price all most tripled in 12-18 months.. This kind of stuff is NOT cool at ALL.

Just my opinion of course. Any projects you’re doing get put on hold or STOPED?

YES I’m very frugal. Money never came easy, and it leaves the same way..

It ain’t gonna get any better kids. Wait until the fall. (The season too!)
We have so much to overcome from the damage the former guy left in his big, fat, orange stained wake.
You did the classic "I don’t like the guy so anything good he did must have been fake" bit. Sorry, but Clinton had 4 balanced budgets and even ran a surplus. It wasn’t fake and he and Kasich deserve the credit. Just because Bush II came along and blew that out of the water by starting two wars doesn’t mean Clinton doesn’t deserve credit.


I thought that was the case too. BUT in reality Mr Nixon raided the SS fund and added it to the GDP. Never before done. Adding purely dedicated monies to the national coffers to off set the (out of control then) deficit spending. Mr Clinton money surplus and the actual (fake) unemployment figures were because Mr Reagan added the military TO the employment roles as being employed also.

Those two act alone, 1.Raiding the SS fund for every unfunded project on the books and 2. Lying about unemployment figures.

Changed the very unfavorable view of an out of control government to "THANKS for all the FREE money" SS has been turned into a slush fund for everything..

Think of the income into that department ALONE, BUT it is being given to any flake in this county. I’m not kidding I know a pair of females from MD that came to CA in their 20s. Both worked 2 years each (less for one) as security guards. Then out of the blue BOTH get their knees fixed and have been drawing SS for the last 27 years.. BTW 10-12 MORE people came on out to join the money give away.. NOW 3 more grandchildren..

The one kid that I tried to help raise a bit.. He’s the one that stole my Mac gear.. 43k and they did nothing because why.. NO IDEA.. I caught the guy with SOME of my stuff in his front yard at a yard sale.. NO $hit..

Pics, Cops, Everything.. it went no where.. It’s ok to STEAL.. Don’t you understand.. That is the only problem.. Lying and stealing is the same a KILLING.. 10 commandment the punishment was the same... Think on that..

Like I said I didn’t take pens or pencils from work. Others had totes of stuff they just STOLE. Never thinking a thing about it as they walk away blabbing away on a cell phone on company time, were 30 minutes late this morning or took a one hour brake at lunch BUT wrote in 1/2 an hour..

I see it all the time at the local Luckys.. I was a bag boy.. (one of many jobs).. I loved tips.. It’s tough just to keep the checker from blabbing with the bag person.. Neither one bagging my double price food. just blabbin’ away... Checker setting on a stool, A STOOL!!

Is it hard work? YES. NOW let’s make it honest work.. RARE these days..

Like I said, you spend from what you have. NOT what you think you MIGHT have.. That is the only problem.
Way to many people saying this is how to make money instead of working and showing how to make money..
The "I deserve" crowd.. BECAUSE I got an education..

TRADE SCHOOLS.. Biggest problem we have is the absence TRADE SCHOOL options from grade 9-12..

Separate the wheat from the chaff. Higher Schools of education, Trade school, Military, PRISON.. There are you options..

People that want to be homeless and unemployed, no problem, road clean up for a tent stay at the local WC. Work Camps.. No permit No stay.. within a boundary of a city.. County land only if they clean up and stay off private property, and county or otherwise owned land. Water to drink and somewhat bath is ok.. Rent a shower.. Truckers do it all the time..

I have never turned away a person asking me if i had work.. EVER.. I always found something..

I’m thinkin three lawn mower jobs a week is close to 3 days in the gym.. But I get paid....

I’ll mow a lawn no problem.. I think.. If the ol ticker can keep up.. Where is that nitro pill.. LOL Turn on the O2 machine for the return trip.. LOL

Get loaded on O2.. :-) Cop pulls you over and ask you to stop huffin' the O2.. Poor cop doesn't really know what to do.. You can get high on air.. LOL

In 2010 M3 was at 8.45 Trillion (cash in the economy) As of May of this year we are at 20.45 TRILLION. Since Feb of THIS YEAR, we have added 5 TRILLION into the economy.

The Fed is monetizing the debt. This is EXCEEDINGLY dangerous. No one is buying US Treasury bonds, notes, or T-bill except the FED.

For those of you who ignorantly believe that it’s trump that did this. YOU ARE WRONG. When he took office the M3 money supply was at 12.7 Trillion in DEC of 2019 it was at 15.3 in 4 years he added 2.6 Trillion to M3. The culprit is Joe Biden and his merry clown of ignoramuses running the country straight into hell. In 5 months these MORONS have added 5 TRILLION to the M3 money supply DOUBLE what the previous administration added in 4 years.

To really put that in perspective, Joe Bidens witless wonders in 5 months added more debt that was monetized than Barak Obama did in.... 8 YEARS.

It’s time that people WAKE the HELL UP before there is no America left. Consider that now the CDC is admitting that the MAJORITY of the spread of this Delta Variant is being done so by.... wait for it.... VACCINATED PEOPLE.

They are going to shut this country down by doing lockdowns AGAIN and this time, there will be no warp speed programs to get us back open. This is being done INTENTIONALLY. They want to institute a global government (based on communism) to strip you from your constitutional rights.

Those who sounded crazy when they said that the far left is trying to destroy Americans that the vaccines were designed to kill or make you very susceptible to Covid are proving to be more correct by the day.

The MsM shrilled about "cleanest election ever..." Really? 24% of all Georgia mail-in ballots have NO chain of custody. Not a break in the chain of custody... there isn’t one! In PA the US Supreme court ordered that late ballots were to be set aside and NOT counted. That was ignored and over 650,000 ballots were counted that should have NEVER been counted.

I don’t care if you are politically right, centrist, or left. If we the people can’t trust our elections then we are no longer a republic based on self-governance. We have become a banana republic. This whole vote thing is not a Trump vs Biden thing. It’s about having TRUST that WE have the say and not those engaging in political theater.

There is no 2022 let alone 2024 until we get to the bottom of what happened in 2020. If it turns out that the fraud was not an outcome-determinative fine, we fix those issues where fraud did occur so it can’t happen again. If it turns out the election was stolen then those who were doing this should be tried for TREASON and if found guilty, executed in PUBLIC.

To highlight all of this the Fed Chairman recently announced that inflation is going to be with us for the foreseeable future... WHO COULD HAVE IMAGINED.  Biden shuts down both the XL and Keystone pipelines severing American energy engine that had us just a few short months ago is the #1 exporter of energy.  Then this duplicitous TURD lifts sanctions on RUSSIA's pipelines.... are you freaking kidding me????

You think things are bad now with inflation a year longer of these absolute CLOWNS in control will make what you see now seem like a fantasy you would HAPPILY go back to...