There is about one third of one ounce of gold above ground for every man, woman and child on earth. The gold standard only works in a closed ecosystem with a limited populace.
Your reasoning is incorrect. The amount of gold is irrelevant. The value per ounce of gold would increase to compensate for population growth. (Increase in demand)
That is how crypto currencies work. The amount of currency remains consistent, the value increases to as the demand increases.
At least Nixon listened to someone intelligent during that dark time period in history.
That is correct. Unfortunately the intelligent people Nixon listened to are evil and self serving people and the world is much darker now.
Since we moved off the gold standard, the Fed is free to print as many USD as they please with no backing whatsoever. And they do. Each time they do, your salary, your savings and your pension loses value.
Since we’ve gone off the gold standard, our money has been losing value faster than our incomes have risen.
The Fed is a private organization that is never audited, and the public has no insight as to who owns the Fed.