Why the fascination with subwoofers?

I have noticed many posts with questions about adding subwoofers to an audio system. Why the fascination with subwoofers? I guess I understand why any audiophile would want to hear more tight bass in their audio system, but why add a subwoofer to an existing audio system when they don’t always perform well, are costly, and are difficult to integrate with the many varied speakers offered. Additionally, why wouldn’t any audiophile first choose a speaker with a well designed bass driver designed, engineered and BUILT INTO that same cabinet? If anyone’s speakers were not giving enough tight bass, why wouldn’t that person sell those speakers and buy a pair that does have tight bass?
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Showing 1 response by audionoobie

As to subs being difficult to integrate, I must have just gotten lucky (you can look at my virtual system). My Kef R400b sub perfectly compliments my R11's, which i believe only go down to 32Hz. I run the mains full range and cross over the sub around 60Hz. It fattens up the bass guitar and gives the kick drum and lower tom toms a little girth.

I can't tell where the sub is located in the room if I close my eyes. I also don't feel like I need another sub either, as I've heard multiple subs is preferrable to one sub.

To each their own. I happen to enjoy the music with sub added. YMMV