Chiho, I'm going to take a different approach. I too have the Soliloquy 6.3's, a wonderful , underrated speaker. Like Newbee I'm using older gear that was built in the 70's that sounds wonderful. What don't you like about the sound of your system? I've spent the same amount as you on my rig and just don't have the itch to change yet. Actually, if someone would have told me 3 years ago that I would spend this much on a 2 channel system I would have told them to put me in a straightjacket! They say that the source is the limiting factor but I have found that cables, room tweaks, isolation or coupling and so many other factors play a part in what you hear. Sometimes for a lot less than new equipment. All I'm saying is keep an open mind and enjoy what you have. Good luck in your adventure.
Will a more resolving CDP improve my system?
Hi. I have a fairly decent system that I have built up recently-Soliloquy 6.3 speakers, Conrad-Johnson PV10a preamp and MF-2200 amp, and an Arcam CD73T. I was looking to maybe purchase a nicer CDP (like a Consonance Reference 2.2) that was more resolving, with better detail. But, I am wondering-will a more improved CDP make much of a difference in my system? Or, is it too low-end to benefit much from an improved CDP? Everyone I hear raving about high-end CDP's seem to have high-end parts elsewhwere-my system's value at retail is about $7K. Should I spend another $500 on a CDP, or elsewhere (preamp is the next obvious upgrade, as is upgrading the amp with current parts). I live in a remote area and don't have the luxury of taking units home and demoing them. Thanks!