Will the Big Ben improve the 24 MXL?

I don't know if i should purchase one or not?
Tabl10s, I'm not sure who has, or will pick up the Northern American, & Canadian service contract on them? It was something that I heard directly from 2 different Parasounds service guys in early Dec 04. Left me somewhat worried as to where in the world any CEC product would have to be sent???
a shame about the CEC service issue- always wanted to try one of their transports, but from what you guys are saying, might have to give it a pass...

Tabl- JO did not mention what version Apparition, but I know it was an earlier one than my 5.7 Sig. As for price, he might swing you 15% or a bit more off, but thats' probably it- the cable is more than worth it IMO...

RCprince- re: the tubes, I (partially) agree with you with, as I found the Sovteks OK, but in no ways superb on the full-bodied front. Now we have agreed the stockies aren't too bad, however when compared with NOS, it's no contest. I noticed it mainly in 2 areas vs my Siemens Gold Pins- the Siemens had 1) better soundstage width/depth; 2) superior transients and detail retrieval. The Philips miniwatts I tried were a nice compromise b/w the two- not quite the Siemens, but a bit more body than the Sovteks. The Sovteks are no question the distant third in this shootout, and I wil be keeping the Siemens in mine.

Interestingly RC, we also tried a buddy's cheapie Bugle Boys, and you know what? They actually were pretty good! Price/performance wise I would actually choose them over the Miniwatt SQ. OK, you can flame me for this one, I have my fire-retardant jacket ready :-) C-ya!
Sutts: I agree it's no contest between either Siemens or Teles vs. Sovteks, particularly in terms of longevity (I've already had two of the Sovteks go bad on me) as well as sonically, as you mentioned. Tabl10s should wait a while before he starts playing with the high priced tubes, if he just wants to get a feel for the unit and his revised system. I always liked the Bugle Boys, they sound great in the phono section of a Jadis preamp, maybe I'll give them a try. I just wish there weren't so many damned screws in the chasis, it makes changing the tubes a royal pain.