will the day come when?

Do my fellow Audiogoners think there will come a day when we won't even be able to give our CDs away, because they will be considered an inferior audio product compared too?
If you look at the fact that good old RB cd sales have stood up to over 20 years of other formats coming and going (eg. DCC, minidisc, and even mp3 and the recent stalling popularity of HDCD/SACD/DVD-A), there's your answer.

Given the size of the CD back catalog & individual CD collections, plus the backward compatability of DVD players and the simplicity of use, I can't see CD's being made redundant in my lifetime.
I do think it's likely that used CDs -- the pop stuff anyway -- will lose value down to a dollar or so, what with so many people putting them on hard drives and such. Dave
C'mon guys, CD's ARE low res. Records and tape are as good and they are fifty plus year old technology. Downloading can provide multiple formats easily and cheaply if there is demand. No hardware format will be able to compete.
I see direct sales in multiple formats over the internet from the musicians themselves. I can't wait.
Thanks for the topic Schipo.
Whether us audophiles like it or not, downloading to a music server connected to our system is inevitable and hard copies of music will soon be looked upon as sort of archaic. Of coarse there will come a day when CD's will be almost worthless because of lack of demand from the masses.

"because they will be considered an inferior audio product compared too?"

Music servers!

Get used to it and long live vinyl...