Wilson Alexia 20x15 Room


I have vandersteen 5A and thinking of changing speaker to Alexia for bigger sound. Will there be any problem with my small 20x15 room. My other gear is all Audio Research

ARC Ref 250
ARC Ref 5 SE
ARC Ref 2 SE .

Showing 5 responses by skinzy

I own a pair of Wilson Alexia’s and absolutely love them. They will work extremely well in that size room.
I always marvel when a person asks a specific question about a specific speaker folks chime in to offer opinions about other speakers! Its an interesting phenomena. Is this an example of cognitive dissonance? In any event one of the Alexia’s strengths is its ability to play well at low levels and still have an extremely rich sound. This combined with its ability to be tailored to a variety of listing positions makes it ideal in almost any “normal” listening room.
One of my favorite recordings is Rebecca Pidgeon’s “Spanish Harlem” from The Raven. Have heard it on many systems/speakers but I have never thought it sounded more beautiful than it does on my Alexia’s. Sweet and warm, and pure with no harshness or distortion. Before buying my Wilson’s 6 months ago I did extensive research on them and other competitors. What came out of it was quite binary. It seems folks either love or hate Wilson. It always amazes me that a speaker that has won a Golden Ear award at TAS and received Product of the year from Stereophile can be described as “distorted”(knowing all speakers distort).
One last observation has to do with listener fatigue. When I first received my Alexia’s I found I had fatigue after long listening sessions. Then I pulled out my sound level meter and discovered the problem....way to many Db’s. These speakers play so clean and effortlessly with my 500 watt per channel SS amps I simply had the volume to high. Problem solved when I wrestled them down to normal listening levels (85-90 db).
A new review of the Alexia was just published in Positive Feedback issue 76.
My favorite comment was this "the ultimate goal at WA is to not build a speaker that obediently follows a frequency response profile; we want it to sound like real music”.

The conclusion was "Alexia then is something special. Unquestionably, Wilson Audio has created a future classic. My guess is that in time, Alexia will go down in history along side Watt / Puppy (Sasha) to leave a permanent mark on the entire market that is high-end audio."