Wilson Alexia 20x15 Room


I have vandersteen 5A and thinking of changing speaker to Alexia for bigger sound. Will there be any problem with my small 20x15 room. My other gear is all Audio Research

ARC Ref 250
ARC Ref 5 SE
ARC Ref 2 SE .
I owned and sold a lot of AQ Sky. You need to be aware that this interconnect has a very open mid freq. With some tweeters it can sound a little harsh. That is why you need to need to bring in your own stuff when you have no option to audition it at home.

The Meteor is a nive cable. But the better AQ loudspeakercables reveal so much more details and have a sharper individual focus.

A few months ago I bought 2 pair of the new AQ Wel Signature xlr cables. They give a much better insight in height of a recording. They also give a much higher level of black and individual focus. These parts cannot be revealed by a very expensive loudspeaker. I was amazed that it took listening to a new and much higher level. I never had this before during any show or test I did with other expensive cables.

The first cable AQ makes who can reveal better heights of a recording is the Wild. But the Wel goes even a lot further in this part. It also gives a much sharper physical image than the Wild. The best cables influence the overall sound a lot more than in the past.
I own a pair of Wilson Alexia’s and absolutely love them. They will work extremely well in that size room.
@Skinzy; you have a different room and a lot of height. That is a very good room for your speaker.
I have always followed John Rutan's @Audioconnection advice to setup my cables and speaker. Changing speaker cables at this point is expensive as well. I have moved the diffusers to first reflection points and waiting for couple of more diffusers.

John, sorry I missed your call yesterday . Will call you over the weekend. Thank you for all your help.
11-17-14: Vladimir
But I also agree with Bo1972, the Magico S5s are at least as good as the Alexias and perhaps better for your room, but you have to try both in your room.
It becomes a matter of taste at this level. I find the S5's wonderfully engaging and able to convey the emotion of music (atleast paired with Vitus gear). The Alexia's are much fussier speakers with room set up and can sound very average with the wrong amps. I heard the Alexia's with your amps and thought that was not a good match. But i'm not sure the S5's would be a good match with your ARC gear either. If I was going for tubes, I would lean toward the top level Vac amps.
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