Are Wilsons the best? are they worth the money? Looking at used watt puppy 8 or Sophia 3. 
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do you need checkers (taxi)? - or go well ... if the latter, then buy yourself a passive ATC 50 or 150 - and you will be happy ... you will thank me for the good advice for many years.
Moab's are on order!!!! They went up in price but Tammy gave me the old pricing!!!
In late December you claimed to have ordered Moabs.
What happened there?
I sold my Tekton Enzo Xl that I was going to trade in on a pair of Moabs. I don't like to wait for things. Moabs might take 6 months to get because of supply problems.  Plus I just decided I really don't want that big of a speaker. I may still get them but I am looking at other options.  If they had a pair in stock, I probably would have them already.  
FWIW, I had a pair of original Sophias a few years ago. At the same time in house I had a pair of Piega P 10s and Green Mountain Audio Continuum 3s. When the dust settled I kept the GMA speakers and sold the other two. And the Sophia came in third in that horse race.  

The good news is that I sold the wilsons for what I paid. 
