Wilson Audio sophia 3 or Watt Puppy 6

hi evry one i am not american so sorry 4 my english.
I have now a pair of Watt Puppy 6 running with a Moscode 600
i love my system i love the music it creates,
however i may have a chance to upgrade to a pair of new sophia 3.
ps my 6's are at least 20 years old and in good running condition.
please share your thoughts on this possible upgrade.
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"""04-12-12: Prdprez
No question, Sophia 3, all the way.

Sophia 1 was better than W/P6
Sophia 2 was better than W/P7
Sophia 3 is better than W/P8

And, yes, I have extensive listening experience, in a variety of systems, of all of these combinations.
no question,

my wife is better then Prdprez
my wifes friend is better than Prdprez
my wifes grandma is better than Prdprez

and, yes, I have extensive sexual expierence in variety of places including national green park""""

it would be nice that "helpful" memebers of audiogon before making any bold statement would learn how to exctract personal preferences from advice. either you are salesman of new WA products (dealer) or what I stated earlier.

Prdprez, did you ever listened sophia 2 vs wp6 on clasical works or Andre Phildor percusion records? I quess not as sophia 2 sounds like someone used car handbrake. i didnt heard much diferencies in speed and lower notes tightness for example between sophia 1 and sophia2 and even when did not compared directly I hear that there is no diferencies between v2 vs v3 in that matter.

I notice that you didn't compare Sophia IIIs to Sasha's. Have you had the opportunity to compare the two? If so, what are your thoughts?
I compare Sophia III to the W/P8 and prefer the Sophia III.

The Sasha (which would have been W/P9) is better than the Sophia III.

If you have the means, the Sasha is the way to go. Otherwise, the Sophia III is perfectly satisfying.

Yes, I have been working with Casey. I'm really trying to figure out what's the best performance/price option between WP 8s and Sasha's. I haven't had the opportunity to listen to WP 8s; therefore I like hearing other opinions.