Wilson Audio Specialties Chronosonic XVX loudspeaker!! only $300,000.oo

What a bargain, still bet they sound great with the right amp up them, looking at that impedance/phase angle graph.
XVX is a very demanding load, with EPDR less than 1.1 ohms between 52Hz and 66Hz and between 197Hz and 287Hz, with minimum values of 0.91 ohms at 450Hz and 0.94 ohms at 3250Hz. The Chronosonic XVX should be used with amplifiers that don't have problems driving loads of 2 ohms and lower.


Cheers George

With these and most Wilson speakers form follows function. If I was committed enough to purchase them, I would certainly appreciate them in there entirety, for the sound they are capable of producing and decorate my audio area appropriately to integrate their look.

Quite frankly after a decade of ugly black boxes followed by ugly black towers that I subjected my partner to in the name of better sound, these beautifully finished speakers would be imposing but an improvement. Personally I think my partner would appreciate them because she knows the commitment I made to my career and her to provide us with the comfortable life and the large place in we live (large enough that she would never have to see them), that if they make me happy (after she gave me grief for actually spending twice as much on speakers as our first house), and she thinks I deserve the rewards I have earned.

wow! That's a window to a world.
I wonder how many pairs of those Wilson’s will go to actual audiophiles. There is a tendency in our country to equate price with how good something must be.  I am only guessing but I imagine someone who purchases a pair of those Wilsons is doing it to display their wealth more than anything else
Well, if you're a rich dude like Bernie Madoff, Michael Milken, Ken Lay, Ivan Boesky, Jeff Skilling and Donald Trump, no problem, you can use one's ill gotten gains to enjoy the good life.  Hah!
From what I gather, these were never intended to be a production speaker, they were meant for himself and a handful of friends. Here was someone who had spent their life building and designing speakers, why wouldn't he want to build the precursors to these?

Back in the early 90's, I happened into a high end store and they had a pair of Grand Slamms hooked up in one of their listening rooms. That was my first experience of a true high end system. I remember telling the story of my experience to all my friends - audiophile or not - about this insane system I had just listened to and the physical experience of it.

Only Wilsons I've ever heard. Left an impression for sure. Can't say I am a fan from that one encounter of their product, but I can say, I am a fan of high end!

And I am not a fan of petty people who how have nothing better to do than to take a crap on things that cost more than they think they should. Especially when most have never heard the items they are slamming.

And who cares why someone buys something. Be that a painting, vintage sports car, a riffle from the Civil War or any other collector item.

Contrary to popular belief, not everyone who makes a ton of money is a crook. Who do you think builds the industries that provide work to so many?

And the whole thing "only a fool would spend that much on a pair of speakers...". Well, got a hot news flash for you. If they have managed to build a personal fortune that makes it possible to get a pair of 300K speakers, with all the "right stuff" to go with it (a million dollar set up) I'm going to go out on a limb and say they are most likely WAAAAAAAAY smarter than you. Just sayin'.