Wilson Sophia III vs Sasha

Currently own Sophia IIIs and I've been contemplating going to Sasha's. Has anyone compared them in the same system? Your thoughts/opinions are greatly appreciated.

Sorry didn't see your post. I sold the Sophia 3s and decided today to get Sasha's. I hope to have them in a couple months.
I have heard both in the same system and thought the Sasha was significantly superior. Maybe not my particular taste in speakers, but a very good speaker nonetheless.
I heard the Sashas for the first time at the NYC Audio Video show this weekend and (as a former Watt/Puppy 6 owner) thought that finally the Wilsons stopped sounding analytical or etched. (I have heard the WP7s and 8s at shows also and still felt that they were a little etched and metallic like the WP6s.) So I think the Sashas are evidence that Wilson finally got it right. I was always vaguely annoyed by Wilson mids/highs/vocals (stridency and hashy) up to this point.
I also heard the Sashas at the NYC show. I think they were in three systems. I much preferred the room with the VTL electronics. That was an excellent combination.
Hey Peter, not to hijack the thread, but what else did you like at the show. I liked the vintage Quad 57s and the YGs.