Wilson sophia typically found with solid state

Just wondering are the wilson sophia's ever driven with tubes? It seems that most are running on ss. I just heard them at a show room and they are incredilbe transparent and dynamic. How do they sound with tubes?
Can this be the final frontier, Sophias with tubes?
When I heard the sophias with Naim at a showroom I liked the sound very much it was super transparent and effortless and they were not using the best amp in the house!
So if they are paired with tubes I imagine it gets better but will it take me to audio nirvoso I mean nirvana?
Can I suspend them with bungee chords????
Hi, I think this can be said for all Wilson speakers. They are very truthful to the source. It really depends on your source components and your preferences.

I have heard the Sophia's, WP 8's, and Alexandria's with tubes and SS. Things about both I like.

I used all tubes, phono, pre, and amps on my WP 8's.
I run my Sophias 2 with a tube amp (ARC Ref 110)a and it is very good combination, although I recently heard them with a Pass X-amp and was also very impressed. So much in fact that I will be borrowing X-350.5 soon.
Just for complete disclosure....I don't like the less expensive Wilson products..I think they are overpriced and use gimmics to impress the listener (out of phase midranges, bumped highs, etc) however, they do sound the best with lots of power. It doesn't matter where those watts come from. Audio Research has their top of the line tube unit = I forgot what they call it, but it sounds great with Watts. As for the sound quality...it doesn't make any difference between tubes or solid state. Once upon a time in the good old days, tubes sounded different than transistors. In the recent past, however, the typical tube sound and the typical s/s sound have been converging. They now are the same in the top performers. I dare you to listen to Ayre blindfolded for instance and know its s/s = or the top line Audio Research and tell me if its tubes.
Well maybe I should add that even though I liked the wilson sophias alot I prefered the sound of the verity fidelios. In the last couple of days I listened to a number of great speakers: magico mini II , rockport, verity fidelio, wison soophias, totem wind. I still liked the verity's the most but then they were hooked up to a vinyl setup. I liked the totems very much! crank them up they start to sing. The wilson didn't engage me that much, I think they are excellent no bass overhang very tight sound, but I bet they would be real good with analog. I don't get these showrooms?? Why don't they use vinyl????
Actally they do have analog rigs but we popped into the showroom without notice, they would need time to move the equipment from one roop to the next. But if that was my shop I would have an excellent tt in every room susspended with bungee chords and running from 12" flywheels.