Wire differences explained common sense

I need to share what many other audiophiles may have missed. About me Im a 52 year old critical listener to the point I have to make myself just listen to the music and enjoy. What prompted me to write is a very long article in Audioholics and one thing stuck out was there is no difference between copper and silver.

Ok well there is. Im not a PhD or scientist but a very observant listener. One day I replaced my Silver Kimber KGAC with Tara labs copper interconnects. I listened noticing the sound become a little richer and full. I then put BTO "Hey You" on vinyl and something happened. I did not startle as the song starts. I always play it loud and I always jump just a little. I restarted and turned up volume as much as I dare and still no body reaction. I switched cables and bam, the dynamics returned and I was startled when song starts even though its about to begin.

It is scientifically known silver is a faster conducter. Hence maybe why it can be harsh on some setups. I have only 2 full sets of interconnects like above for the last 10 years. I have changed them out many many times and have noticed small differences each time. I have a cable burner also. My advantage is by not having many different sets of interconnects to confuse I can zero in on the 2 I know.

Just my observations here.
Human psychology is a curious little maze of twists and turns, corkscrews and loops. Hand someone a warm beverage in a warm cup, and they'll have a completely different take on the next person they meet, without having any idea that the beverage in their hand is having a huge influence on their impression. Wine decanted from a clear bottle will, across the board, get poorer grades than the same wine decanted from a dark green bottle, and so on. Eyewitness testimony given by good, honest people on matters that would seem to be relatively clear--5'7" or 6', blue car or brown?--on matters of life and death is notoriously unreliable.

I love my tube amps. Am I positive that my perception of their "warmth" and their sounding "open" and "alive" isn't as much as anything else a matter of my seeing their warm orange--and sometimes blue--glow inside a glass bottle (like a soul inside a body), and that my perception of the deadness of solid state isn't just a matter of my not seeing any glow, not seeing any space between filaments and glass, but on the contrary, seeing plain old "solid" transistors, with no space, no air--you know, like a corpse?

Like the original poster, I think copper sounds richer too. But of course copper is a richer color than silver, which is bright, and in some lights, even harsh.
Stewie, you stand above the crowd in admitting that some of your listening choices could have a bias based on other factors. That is a seriously self-aware and mature viewpoint, the admission of which would have most folk on a forum like this feel emasculated. My guess is that knowing the potential bias makes you a better, more neutral listener than most.