Wolcott amps The best tube amps?

Ihave been reading reviews from mags and amps are supposedly tops. Is this true. Has anybody heard these?

Showing 8 responses by snook2

Hope you get them soon, Albert Porter. Looking forward to your feedback. I changed the output tubes from the ones supplied and didn't hear any significant change. They are still numero uno in my taste
I beleive we talked over the phone about the Wolcott amp. I live in Anna Maria Island. I'm glad you reached Nirvana. I recently borrowed the Lamm Monoblocks which sound great but not quite as good as the Wolcotts in the bass region. Wolcott's are still the best for my system
Albert, we're looking forward to your comments on the Wolcott amps. Are you going to change the tubes. A few people have and had better results. I don't notice a difference after changing the output tubes. Let us know your opinion
I bought the Wolcott amps a few weeks ago and I am enjoying the best sound I have ever experienced in my system. Deep and tightly controlled bass like a solid state and the mids and highs like a 10 watt SET. Hank Wolcott started selling these about 3 or 4 yrs. ago. He also has an unbelieved background.
Hope you get them soon, Albert Porter. Looking forward to your feedback. I changed the output tubes from the ones supplied and didn't hear any significant change. They are still numero uno in my taste
I changed the Sovtek EL34's To the Chinese ValveArt EL34's and got a much better sound. A little more detail and focus. Purchased them from "THe Tubeman" Ken Chait.