It matters not personal opinions of what Is perceived to be a good or bad. If there Is a market for It It will be exploited and sold the masses. I would Imagine all of those slated as being poor performers (my previous thread was totally In jest), who are perceived as being not able to sing or act to the high standards required by Audiogoners to make It 'good' have made a decent living out of being rubbish at their job. I can think of a few who are rubbish at their jobs that are not In the entertainment Industry. I think the lifestyle Is better than a 9-5 or a 60 hour work week of hard slog. I mean Celine (no voice) Dion, performs for an hour or so and gets how many mi$$ions?
Mick Jagger ugly? Marianne Faithful didn't seem to think so back In the day. Of course, she was not very pretty also!
Beam me up Scotty.
Mick Jagger ugly? Marianne Faithful didn't seem to think so back In the day. Of course, she was not very pretty also!
Beam me up Scotty.