worse entertainer or performer of all time??

I would like to try something new or at least get away from what TT or amp should I pick type of posting.I am wondering from many of my fellow Audiogoners what performer past and present made you say to yourself WHO TOLD THIS PERSON THEY HAD SERIOUS TALENT. My pick would be for the moment Jennifer Lopez. I just have no idea how in the world she got where she is today. I guess just good luck and the exceptance of mediocrity. Please this posting was not meant to insult anyones musical taste.
It matters not personal opinions of what Is perceived to be a good or bad. If there Is a market for It It will be exploited and sold the masses. I would Imagine all of those slated as being poor performers (my previous thread was totally In jest), who are perceived as being not able to sing or act to the high standards required by Audiogoners to make It 'good' have made a decent living out of being rubbish at their job. I can think of a few who are rubbish at their jobs that are not In the entertainment Industry. I think the lifestyle Is better than a 9-5 or a 60 hour work week of hard slog. I mean Celine (no voice) Dion, performs for an hour or so and gets how many mi$$ions?
Mick Jagger ugly? Marianne Faithful didn't seem to think so back In the day. Of course, she was not very pretty also!

Beam me up Scotty.
Bob Saget is hilarious. America's Funniest Videos was just a way to make some $. Have you seen his appearance in The Aristocrats or any of his standup? He's a filthy-mouthed lunatic.
Michael Bolton, Bruce Springsteen, the Dead, Kenny G, Chuck Mangione.
In classical music I would say Joshua Bell(how did he achieve that screetching he calls sound?) and among conductors it is Lorin Maazel(can't wait until his contract runs out with NYP).
There are more. Much more. But these are readily available.
Any of post-mid-1980's country music. Someone else alluded to it earlier in this thread. There's an element of hermetically sealed self containment about this sub-genre to the extent that it no longer serves as a regionally twanged commentary on life but has instead become a regionally twanged commentary on country music. Sort of like a hundred-odd high end gallery abetted visual artists exclusively painting still lifes which depict paintbrushes and tubes of oil paint. Someone must be buying lots of these five-decades-after-fact devotionals as to whether Hank would approve. Not I.
Have to agree with Priz. And what was the reason Genesis went with Phil for their singer after Gabriel left? Because his voice sounded uncannily close to Gabriel's, which you can hear on very early Genesis where Collins sings harmony with Gabriel>