Worst Audio Injury !!

Anyone ever get physically injured because of your stereo? I was installing interconnects a couple years back and stood up quickly and hit my head on the corner of one of the shelves.I got a half inch gash on my forehead that seemed to bleed forever.When I switched from digital to vinyl I was used to the easy storage of CD's.I had my LP"s on the floor and one day went to bend down to get a LP out of the crate and tripped and hit my knee on the cornerof the crate.My knee still isnt right.And you?
Last week I was hospitalized in an intensive care section for "paroxysmal positional vertigo." I woke up one morning and could not move my head without the world spinning and shaking so fast that I would immediately throw up. For a few days I was totally incapable of even turning my head let alone standing on my feet and walking. My medical doctors did not understand this, but you audiogon doctors might see the relevance of the following fact to the diagnosis when I say that I do 95% of my listening on a very expensive set of electrostatic "earspeakers" (note: brand name not mentioned) and I wonder if the disease and the product are not related. However, I might have been healed by the plant that poisoned me: The vertigo tests at the throat-nose-ear doctor involved ear washes at different temperatures that improved my hearing (especially sensitivity to sounds in the 4-6KHz frequency range and transient response). It and the blood infusions I was given in the hospital were the best "upgrade to my system" in recent years.
I can't beat any of the aforementioned injuries, but sometimes my back and shoulder still hurt from carrying my Klipsch KLF20's (90+lbs packed) up to the second floor of my old apartment. When we moved I gladly paid for them to be moved.
The most memorable injury to me was mental (guilt) and real to "Joey" our pet cocketiel. During the winter months the birds stay in the house at night and often I will keep them in the listening room. Both Joey and Freddie love music, or so it seems, they can really get to talking and whistling up a storm when the music is playing. Sometimes my wife and I will "dance" with them, that we'll dance and have one or both on either finger and whistle or sing to the music. That and the music will generally get them whistling. They love it and it is a lot of fun for us too. On one particularly cold evening about a year ago the birds and myself were "dancing". It got a little out of hand and the bird started flying. I am always nervous when they start flying because of the tube gear, which they seem to instinctively stay away from but they can become disorientated and you never know. I thought, enough "dancing" for the evening, it was time to settle down a bit. Both birds ended up in their favorite place, perched on the back of the couch. I got Joey first and put him on the cage, which was on the floor. I turned around to get Freddie but he started flying again. I pivoted around to turn down the volume of the stereo and as I did I felt a soft lump on the floor under my shoes. I immediately got this funny feeling that whatever it was shouldn't be there. I lifted up my foot and there was Joey missing about half his feathers and just sitting there looking so helpless. I was pretty broken up thinking that there was no way he couldn't survive my 190 lbs. I held him and he was very listless. It was a Saturday night so I couldn't take him to his vet. I took him to an emergency hospital clinic. We waited and waited and Joey by this time was perched on my shoulder as listless as ever. The vet checked him out and everything appeared fine, no broken bones. He remained listless for about 2-3 days and gradually improved. But it took about 2-3 weeks before he started talking again. The guilt from this accident is worse than any physical pain I can ever remember incurring on myself. As for Joey he is fine and as irrepressible as ever.
Hey Tubegroover, I hope you are still able to eat Chicken after a horrible experience like that. Seriously, glad to hear the bird is fine.
Here's one for you. I went to retube my old VTL Deluxe Preamp, after it had been unplugged for 2 weeks. Well, the capacitors in this unit may look like "D" cell batteries, but they hold what feels like a car batteries worth of potentially fatal electricity. This I found out the hard way. I've got one hand on the metal case of the unit, and the other on one of the tubes. I'm "wiggling" the tube gently to free it and it comes part way out, backing into a verticle PCB (the tubes are mounted horizontily). Next thing I see is a bright flash, and a VERY loud "POP! CRACKLE!" sound. The current went in one arm and out the other, both arms and my chest tensed up so hard I thought I was having a heart attack. It was maybe a 1/2 second long, but it felt like about 10 seconds, before I broke the connection. My arms and chest were sore for about 2 days after this little mishap. Now this may sound like an easy way to drain the Cap's before you work on a piece of tube gear, but I wouldn't advise it :) I guess in a pickle you could revive someone having a heart attack this way.....