Would a Lamm ll2.1 deluxe slay a Parasound JC2?


I have been thinking of adding a tube preamp to my chain to get a little more body and feel to the music. 

I currently have a Parasound JC2 which is detailed and dynamic. Very good really. But I may have trade and cash opportunity for a Lamm ll2.1 deluxe. It would be going into a new Bryston Cubed power amp. 

I havent heard a Lamm. Would it be a much better piece? Worthy of trying to work a deal?

I would. I really think you would find it more enjoyable in just about every way.
It will be different, let's just say that.  The bass will probably be a little less taught than through the JC2, and the highs might seem a little less extended, but the midrange on the Lamm is just right by my ears, and the music just flowed beautifully and naturally through it when I had one on loan in my system.  These days, those are my priorities (that's why I have a Shindo preamp); only you know what yours are.  One unknown to me is how well the Lamm would interface with your amp, though.
the Lamm has an output impedence of 250 ohms and the 3B3 has an input imp of 60k ohms. So at least from that point of view it should be fine. 

But to your point RC...synergy is a different thing all together. Glad to hear you did like it. Im looking for more richness in the mids and was thinking it would make a difference. 

Have you owned the JC2 previously?
No.  I've heard it and other solid state preamps in various systems, and while I appreciate the solid state strengths, there's something about the tubed preamps and amps that keeps drawing me in to the music and lets me not be bothered by a slight loss of high frequency extension or a little fatter bass.  The Lamm is among the best preamps (along with Jadis, VAC and Shindo) I've heard in my systems, but my system is all tubed--I might not have appreciated it as much when I first started in the hobby with an all solid state system.  Any chance you could listen to a Lamm or another tubed preamp?
I had an older version VTL TL2.5 a few years ago (not the 2.5i)
It was pretty good. Very liquid. maybe a little too much. It is not in the league of the Lamm and other higher end ones though (especially shindo). 

A few years back I had a 2a3 tube integrated. About 11 watts. it was pretty nice too. 

My speakers are Volent VL3...about 87 db. Like some power. I do miss the richer mids for sure. 

Do you think the Lamm is nicer than some of the CJ or ARC hybrids?