Would I benefit from a dedicated streamer?

Currently, I'm streaming directly from a Roon Nucleus to the Holo May KTE DAC.  Would there be any sonic benefit from adding a streamer to the chain?  Or any benefit at all?  For reference, I have narrowed my choices down to these three, probably in this order:

Auralic G2.1
Lumin U1
Innos ZENith Mk3

I liken this to the discussion about adding a preamp to the chain, when your DAC has a volume control.  I'm in the camp for adding the preamp.  To me, it sounds better.  Thanks for your help.
I just replaced my mac mini > Metrum ambre setup with a wolf 🐺 audio Luna R. Its tremendous. I can finally use all the functionality of my DAC8DSD. And the fidelity is insane.  
I should mention I auditioned the U1, and an Aurander w something... they cost Waaaaaay more the luna and cant even touch it. 

I initially had my Chord Qutest hooked directly to my Roon Nucleus.  I then decided to give the Sonore opticalRendu a try (with linear supply unit), and I was blown away by the improvement in sound quality.  You can read more about it in this post/thread:   https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/if-you-stream-music-from-the-internet-i-can-t-recommend-this-...
@andrewkelley -- I checked out Wolf Audio Luna R Digital on their website. It seems that if you want Roon compatibility for streaming, you're looking at $5400. Also, it's not clear whether you need accessories like the connectivity kit to operate it fully. I'm sorry but I don't see how you can claim that it's 'Waaaaaaaay' cheaper than U1.

Also, it will be helpful if you can share more details about your comparison with the Lumin and Aurender. What aspects of SQ do you think are better?
@andrewkelley - I've barely heard mention of Metrum and Wolf, but if those best the Aurender W20SE, that's saying something special.

@hiphiphand - I read your post and the responses when you originally posted, but I now see there is quite a bit more discussion.  It will be tonights "light" reading.  Thank you.
I use Roon on a dedicated Mac then going to a ps audio DS sr dac using Ethernet. I have used many software apps like audirvana and pure music on servers and then went to an Auralic Aries music server, all using usb to an external dac. I will never go back to usb until it gets better.
When Running over Ethernet or even i2s, you don’t have to worry about usb specs which is often a feature that differentiates manufacturers. I also like the sound better going directly into a BHK amp from the DS dac compared to using a quality preamp.