would I benefit getting a balanced amp (BAT 55se) - given my pre-amp is RCA output

in brief,

I have VPI turntable (RCA output) running to Manley Chinook Phono Pre (RCA output) running to Threshold FTE 9 (RCA output) running to Threshold CAS1 (RCA input) running to Klipsch Cornwall

I am interested in getting a tube amp and am looking into a BAT 55SE, which has balanced input only.

Would this be a benefit given i would not be running it 'balanced'; using a RCA to Balanced cable.



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@gdnrbob I googled AES and it is an encription standard.  How is that applicable?  I'm sure I got the wrong AES.

Yup, the wrong AES.

Here is an article elucidating the standard-


Or, just PM Ralph Karsten (atmasphere), to get it from the best authority.






Best you chose your amp based on its sound. In the case of real audiophile equipment this is the determinant factor (BAT definitely qualifies). Then deal with which connectors to use. Your next preamp will undoubtedly have balanced outputs. The big deal is the sound of the component. If you loose a tiny bit of fidelity … it will not make a big difference.


My experience is that BAT amps are dreadful unless paired with a BAT preamp.  At minimum, a differentially balanced preamp like an Ayre is required or it sounds bad.  

It will connect and the signal will play with RCA to XLR cables.  It will not sound good.