Would you donate a dollar to have these Members Review a Product?

So, I've been thinking that there are a number of hifi products that I would love to hear or, at least, reviewed by folks I know and respect.  I then thought what if a panel of fellow members each listened and reviewed the product.  

I'd pay money to read (or watch/hear) ericsquires, wolfgarcia, millercarbon, and georgehifi each receive the same amp, speaker, etc. and review it. 
In my experience reviews has no meaning whatsoever, except if you are interested in some reviewer journey, or about some new device technicalities or simply to hear the wind...

But reviews has no audio real meaning, except a very general one, because the synergy of different electronic audio components plays a great role in their sound output; but this is not even the main reason... :)

The main reason is the same audio system will sound totally different, relatively to the 3 embeddings were it will be immerse : mechanical(vibrations-resonance), acoustical (room treatment+acoustical tweaks) electrical (house and room noise floor).

Then the reason for reviews are many: literary, technical vulgarisation, subjective taste, trends participation, etc. But in general they are sponsored directly or indirectly, and willing or not, suggest unbeknownst to the reviewer or readers, the idea (erroneous) that upgrading an electronic components(speakers, dac. amplifier) is the main and most desirable method to increase the sound quality... This is absolutely false and I explain already that in another thread....

All this thing said, I enjoy reading reviews and reviewers, but paying directly them, no thanks.... :)

One exception:

I will accept all donations of those who want to contribute to my review of some ZOTL Berning amplifier...Minimum gift is 2 dollars...I will be totally partial because I want to buy one, one day...After reading a review, I was convinced... Now you know that reviews can be efficient and dangerous even on conscious spirit.... :)

"Reviews are better than books, except for the bible." - Groucho Marx
Mahgister... you forgot one. Ears. It’s pretty simple really. When I look for reviews I look for the trend in the reviews one way or another. Audio or whatever. Then I’ll base my decisions on my desire, need,  budget etc. WAY, WAY too much bias generally on this forum from most. Which is fine. But highly subjective, not hardly objective. As are most reviews...
I dont forget the ears but you are right all ears are sure different...

But gives me your ears and I will put delight in them like I put in mine, tastes difference apart, because the 3 way an audio system is embedded has way more impact than the variations between relatively normal healthy ears...

Understand me, ears of one are very different than ears of another, but if the 2 sits in a treated controlled environment with a rightly embedded good audio system, the 2 ears will meet together in a different critical appraisal but nevertheless a good one... :)

It is just that I know by experience that most people totally underestimated the 3 embeddings impactful power...This is the general trend in audio, even if tweaks has a small niche....And remember that NO TWEAKS address the 3 embeddings together...They are tweaks more potent than others I know some, but not one solve the equation by only itself... Thinking that way only reveal a misunderstanding of the relation between acoustical, mechanical, electrical embeddings and their very different impacts on the sound qualities...
So few understand level matching or have the needed tools to do  so cuts the reviewer pile by 99%
In God we trust, all others bring a calibrated SPL meter - Groucho Watt