Wyred 4 Sound Dac1 vs. Dac2

Reading lots of favorable reviews. Not seeing much on the Dac 1.

Reading advertisements, seems the big difference as far as features is remote. has anybody compared the sound? is there an appreciable, if any difference?

Thanks in advance. Thinking of using to start a PC-based music server and wondering if I really need to spend the extra $500.
As I've mentioned in the thread I started (Wyred 4 Sound DAC1 or DAC2?), the built-in digital domain volume control and async USB DAC2 has over DAC1 make a world of difference if one has only digital sources.
I cannot recommend the DAC2 enough for a computer-based system, using the asynchronous USB!
I now have it paired with W4S ST-500 power amp, connected via AudioQuest Columbia XLR.
This combo delivers superb sound at an incredibly low price point for what it offers.
Roscoeiii- your comment about the DAC1 not having Async USB seems really important. This is what Gordon Rankin and Ayre having been touting as the major source of improvement. So unless the DAC chip itself is impervious to jitter, it seems as though the async USB interface is a must and therefore rules out the DAC1 as a competitive option.

I am curious if anyone has really compared this particular piece. Since I am considering this as a cost effective alternative to the Ayre QB-, I would love to hear some comments. (I run J-River on Windows 7)
If USB is not your primary source,
If you don't care about the remote,
Then the dac1 with the $50 supercaps upgrade (ask when you order) is equivalent to the dac2.
But to make sure everyone is clear on Mizuno's post, the DAC1's USB is NOT equivalent to the DAC2's. It may be possible to pay extra to get async USB on the DAC1, and still save some money from the DAC2 if you don't need its other features. You'd have to call Wyred to find out about that. Or go with a USB to coax/BNC adaptor that is async, something like the HiFace.