Wyred4S or Belles for Usher Be718?

Has anyone out there made the comparison between the Class D Wyred amps and that of the Belles or even the Odyssey Stratos Extreme monoblocks?

These 3 amps are on my short list to drive my inefficient speakers (sound best with 200watts or more). My budget is 2k used or may stretch to 2.5K for something exceptional.

What are the advantages of class a/b vs a superb sounding class d?


Showing 1 response by jaymark

I have a W4S 125 wpc amplifier. It sounds almost pathologically smooth. I previously owned the Usher speaker you have. With a Meridian 200 wpc solid state amp it was too forward,etched and brittle for me. I ended up selling both.

I can only guess the the ultra silky smooth W4S amp would be a very nice mathch for the Usher speakers.