XLO Cables

Someone out there who has them ? I have a few and honestly I never looked for something else. But now I am looking for another pair of RCA for my next Tonearm ( Termination Box ) and would like to get your opinions. Even XLO search is not great compared to other brands, probably not enough advertisement? I think about trying a Purist Venustas but I never listened to that one. Long time ago I compared the XLO with Cardas and I made my decsision for XLO.
Anyway, thanks for reading.
Thomas...i know what you mean on both(upgradeitis & wanting to hang onto the xlo speaker cables)

i have heard the kubala sonsa and higher end shunyatas at the local stereo shop and the owner who i have known and trust says they are "very good" ( which mean really exceptional). with that being said and the local buzz, it would be worth a audition..
No, I haven't. I only have listened to all others ( Ltd. Edition, Signature, Reference etc. and their power cords ), but not to that one.
Did you?
The XLO cables are excellent. A good friend of mine were having a few drinks and just talking about all the equipment we have owned over the years and the different systems we have owned. My favorite systems with the most PRAT were using all XLO cabling.

Their Type 5 Speaker wire with their matching Reference Interconnects remains my favorite combo...

i havent heard or read much about the unlimted... only the reference, signature, and limited (tried the reference & the signature)

in the process of upgrading the digital rig and looking for a new digital cable...i have tried the signature (very good) but cant afford the limited, so wondering if the extra cash will yield a sonic improvement...