Y No YG ?

Hi Everyone, 

It just occurred to me that I never see YG Acoustics mentioned. With exotic cabinets and driver manufacturing, I would think they'd be discussed as often as Wilson, B&W or Magico. 

Personally I haven't heard them, but I like their brochures! 



Showing 1 response by ohlala

I have just heard the Carmel with Gryphon at Lone Star Audio Fest and got a cool brochure as well. I actually think the Scan Speak Carmels are awesome. They have better bass than the IIs but otherwise are not really as good. I like YG’s slightly ethereal, ribbon-like quality. They are coherent, heavy on detail without the clinical sound. All that plus you get one of few sealed bass speakers for retail sale. What is not to like? Oh yeah, the price with cheapest full range at $43000. Nothing made to price point like their more discussed competitors. One could get an S3mkii for about the same as Carmel. The other band not discussed so much is Vivid Audio.