Y No YG ?

Hi Everyone, 

It just occurred to me that I never see YG Acoustics mentioned. With exotic cabinets and driver manufacturing, I would think they'd be discussed as often as Wilson, B&W or Magico. 

Personally I haven't heard them, but I like their brochures! 


  Too much lab, not enough listening?  Kind of reminds me of Halcro in a way.

Soix hit the nail on the head--Both sound as if designed by and to be listened too by a Computer

--no Soul


We're dealers for YG, and have been doing it for the past 3 years. I do agree that the usual YG buyer does not frequent forums.
But I call bullsh*t on the "no reviewer buys them" thing.
By 2015, there were at least 12 reviewers worldwide who had purchased the review pair. By now, there's probably a lot more.

I also call bullcr*p on the "no soul" argument. YGs are utterly transparent. You put soulless electronics with them, and they'll be soulless. Most people walk into a room at a show, dislike the sound, and blame the biggest thing in the room, usually the speakers. 
If anybody cares to look at the mentions of our rooms with YG at the last LAAS show (2017), you'll read nothing but praise. Be it with solid state (D'Agostino Progression) or all tubes (Audio Research). 
Besides, how many manufacturers gets a writeup like this:

"YG Acoustics Sonja XV stands as the finest and by far the most accomplished loudspeaker I have yet heard, and by no small margin at that."
Chris Martens, HiFi+, who's certainly been around and heard plenty of other speakers.

We welcome everybody to come to our store and listen to the Sonja 2.2, with solid state or tubes, digital or analog. 


I have Carmels as well.  Once matched up properly with the right electronics (I use a vitius ri 100) they sound fantastic.  One of the very special things about them is that they have a clarity and prescience at low volumes that I’ve never heard with any other speakers.  By the way I also have sonus fabers, Vienna acoustics and TAD speakers.  I do think that there are those who trash products they can’t afford.  But there are good alternatives.  AJ’s new ELAC, the Tritons, etc.  But let’s not trash a company because they are not affordable by all.
We had a pair of Carmel 2s in at our Oct. 2017 Classic Album Sundays listening session here in Colorado Springs. They were provided by a true gentleman of the audio world, Jim Haubenschild of Aberdeen Audio from the Denver area. Our other gear is indeed modest by comparison and the sound was fantastic, rich musical and detailed...not harsh or etched in any way....As you go up the range of YG, you get more bass and impact, but the quality is consistent for all YG speakers. Yes, very expensive, and with the right partnering gear, very engaging.   


Glad you chimed in! I don’t think you need to use expletives to correct misinformation, but your points are well taken.

In the US at least, I’m not a big fan of how reviewers buy loudspeakers anyway, but that’s for another thread.

Personally, based on specs YG are crap. If you disagree, please send me a pair to my home address along with a complete set of tube amplifiers from CAT to .... << grin >>
