Yamaha A-S3000 - any experiences?

This integrated seems real interesting - have you heard it?

Have you heard it with a turntable as source, using its phono stage?

A concern for me is that they chose 50 ohm for the fixed MC value (usually it's 100 ohms to accommodate most carts) - I have a Shelter Harmony that states 'within 100 ohms'...I wonder how that would affect the sound (I think not much, but...)...anyways, please share if you have any experiences of this amp...MANY thanks and Happy New Year to you all!
How would smaller caps effect sound? Or is it more of a durability/stability issue
How would smaller caps effect sound? Or is it more of a durability/stability issue

I am sure using marginally smaller caps alone will not affect the sound quality but it will give the 2100 a tad more reserves and stability when called upon.

Both the 1100 and 2100 have a pretty robust power supply that would easily drive a good percentage of speakers produced.  Something besides those wood side panels is responsible for their 50lbs + of heft and I am betting on the power supply as well as solid build quality.

My ZU Omen Defs are quite efficient (I believe 101 db). They play nice with lower wattage amps. 100 + watts is way more than adequate