yba integrated

Why do yba integrateds sound so damn good?
Simple: high-end quality build parts in a top-end high-end French design, with quality labour in France  = A top-end performer.

AUDIO REFINEMENT ("AR") was their cheaper second line offering - a designed-in-France kit with YBA designed family parts but assembled in China line.

Personally, I can speak to the AR prowess. I scrapped my very top-end 7.1 CAMBRIDGE AVR in favour of separates:
- AUDIO REFINEMENT separate 3 channel power amp  and
- separate AR  2 channel  power amp along with
- a quality built separate USA AV pre-amp processor and
- direct  pass-through my main 2-channel integrated.

 The sonic improvements over the AVR were not subtle with the AR power amps introduction.... They were a fine complement to my REGA OSIRIS integrated amp 

highly recommended. 
A dealer friend of mine once loaned me the AR Complete integrated amplifier. Used it in my system for a month. A very nice 50wpc piece. Detailed, non grainy, great soundstage.