YG Acoustics, Raihdo?

why no love for YG Acoustics and Raihdo ?
too expensive?
Plenty of love for them, but I think you nailed it with expensive. I’d argue not too expensive for the level of sound quality and engineering, but just expensive period.

That said, as much as I may love’em, I wouldn’t touch Raidho now. The guys who founded the brand built something really special that reached the top echelons of high-end speakers today -- the kind of success and recognition most speaker companies would kill for. Then they just flat-out left to scratch another itch. Really??? That just pisses me right off. Plus, would you buy Magico speakers going forward if Alon Wolf left, or Rockport if Andy Payor jumped ship? With speaker manufacturers at this level, I’d think it spells eventual doom for that company when the founders and visionaries leave. As an owner of speakers from a lesser high-end company that went bust I can tell you it sucks, but it’d REALLY suck if I spent $20k+ for those speakers. Future resale value of these expensive speakers will certainly take a hit if the company goes into decline as a result of this. Sorry if I seem like a naive and stupid idealist here, but I just find this behavior irresponsible and offensive from a customer perspective at this level of product, and I obviously don’t even own Raidhos -- thank God.

I agree with you soix. Losing the founder is a real confidence killer. and probably a value killer too. 
The YG’s sound coherent, throw a wide and deep sound stage, are hyper detailed, have deep punchy bass & are neutral if that’s your thing . Their latest generation of tweeters are smoother and better integrated. I didn’t like the first generaton which were a bit hot. Build quality is excellent. As for Raidho, they may have good drivers, yes. But build quality is very ordinary and they are WAY overpriced imho. They’re also boat anchors to try to sell (I know, i’ve tried). I’m with ebm, for my ears I found Magico offer better vaue overall and a more musical, engaging sound.

I have not heard any YG speakers, but I auditioned a couple Raidho monitors.   Best ribbon tweeter integration I've ever experienced (I don't know if I've ever liked another dynamic speaker with a ribbon tweeter because I always hear a discontinuity).
Detail was as advertised, super fine, but smooth.  And the monitors sounded big, and punched hard for their weight.
Problem was I found myself too aware of the lack of neutrality, the frequency dip they engineer in to their speakers for the further-seat-in-the-hall, smooth and rich effect.  I kept finding that tracks I know on many other speakers (more neutral) were less engaging, in particular things like drum cymbals and percussion became more recessed and lost snap and drive.
I believe the YG speakers are supposed to be more neutral, so it depends on what type of character you are looking for in a speaker.
(I also agree with the concerns voiced by soix).