You know you are an Audiophile when:

You have a dedicated audio room.

Your listening chair is in the “Sweet Spot”.

You have sound treatment on your walls.

You spend hours properly placing and tweaking your speakers.

You understand that properly placed speakers will create a 3D sound stage (placing musicians and singers in localized positions… from  left to right… front to back) [Sound-stage]

Your stereo is worth more than your vehicle.

You know that higher end components do a better job of: being less fatiguing to listen to, creating the imaging (sound-stage), representing the instruments more accurately and with more detail, are more involving.

You are intimately aware of the performance and tonal quality of your system, and can describe the results of any changes in the system.

You are aware of how bad the sound is for the first 3 - 4 songs at any live music event.

98 % of the time… when someone cranks their stereo up and says “This sounds GREAT” you cringe. You could list all the ways and reasons why it sounds awful… but you don’t.

When listening to music… you spend a portion of time listening to and exploring the placement of the sounds in the sound stage, and the quality and detail of your system… with your eyes closed.

You become aware of how bad the sound is on some recordings.

You are painfully aware how awful sound systems are at bars and clubs.

You have increased the sound performance of your system through upgrades and tweaks... multiple times.

You are aware of sound reflections in your home, and live music events.

You continue to learn and try new things.

Out of curiosity… you try various things on your system… to see what, and if… there are any improvements… ie: cables, cords, isolation, dampening… etc.


You have 4 different stereo systems. 
You have no room for all of your stereo systems....
3 more true for me:
You never quit buying- bigger, better or newer technology.

You buy an uncomfortable low back couch because it will let you listen to the stereo better.

You buy your wife lots of jewelry to "even things out" (her words).
@n80....You dau confused you with an 'audioperv', which likely exists Somewhere, seen @ trade shows with sweaty hands and barely disguised excitement....;)

Lets' see....3 receivers, 3 TT, 2 stand-alone CD, 11 pairs speakers, 2 subs, 2 dedicated computers, 4 screens, 2 eqs', 2 cassette players, 2 switching matrix, The Amp, other misc., boxes of this, that, and the other....the usual media to feed the above....

Audio enthusiast.....*S*  I'm more 'diplomatic' about others' audio gear.
I trust my spouse with most of it....but she leaves my main pile alone...

"It's too complicated for any sane person to use...."  *G*  That, in itself, speaks volumes...

The other day I used the word 'infinity', and she thought I meant the speakers....which we haven't had for decades. *L*

....if you ignore the 4 that I 'modified'....;)

Hey, MC!  What is a 'demagnetizing track' exactly?  Wouldn't a good stiff drink work as well as?  Just asking.... ;)
The only piece of furniture in your listening room is a single chair in said sweet spot to avoid any interference with the sound from other furniture. Also currently looking for a new house and a dedicated audio room with the right dimensions is a must or else the house is a no. (Been looking since last August).
When the system in your garage is worth more than your vehicle.
I am also ashamed that all the examples in the OP describes me.