You want the TRUTH from those Wilson Alexia's, maybe you can't handle the TRUTH

56 bi-polar outputs, current till the cows come home, massive supply, multiple small power supply caps for fast release, 2000w into 2ohms that’s 2hp!!!!!

Cheers George
It was funny reading that review. I came away thinking that the amp was fast and a little thin and ruthless...just like the old SAE!
@roxy54  Hahahahaha. :) Not far off the mark of the old SAE. Haven't heard the latest.

While I appreciate power, I'm with Nelson Pass. I'm much more interested in the performance of an amp between 0 and 10 watts than 10 and 100.



While I appreciate power, I’m with Nelson Pass. I’m much more interested in the performance of an amp between 0 and 10 watts than 10 and 100.

That’s fine if 10 watts is enough which means speakers are efficient and will be asked to do more rather than the amp or if one just does not ever plan to listen very loud with certain kinds of music.

Otherwise even the best amp under ideal conditions will suffer considerably when the ante is upped by speakers, listener, or both because now your amp is clipping and distorting.

It helps to take note of the profession of those who make statements like NPs. Amp builders focus on optimizing their amps but put the burden on the speaker maker and vice versa more often than not.  Who is right depends on whose rules you choose to follow.


No, I didn't say 10 watts was enough. What I meant was that too often reviewers focus on things like S/N at maximum output. If you have a 700 Watt amplifier, it may have a better S/N than a 100 watt amp, but in my house could be 4 times noisier. These are just examples.

I am not a small amp guy. I just meant, these big ass amps seem impressive just because of the output power. I'm more interested in an amplifier that plays exceedingly well with vanishingly low noise within the power envelope I use.

