My two boys are 23 and 18. The older one is in grad school and listens to an amazing array of music. I guess I started the fire and he has fanned the flames on his own. We turn each other on to new to us music on a regular basis. He had my old Kenwood amp and AR14 speakers in undergrad but the ARs were too big to fit in the Prius on the way out west so I bought him a pair of Quads when he got there - he is still rocking the Kenwood. That means his younger brother is getting the ARs for high school graduation along with a new Yamaha amp. He has recently found Pink Floyd and his tastes are really developing quickly - he’ll be teaching me new tricks soon.
My point is that I see folks on here belittling their generation and it really pisses me off. Sure there are plenty of youngsters out there that don’t have much substance to them but that was true in my day too - look at all the folks that ruined my high school experience with disco. The fact is these kids will lead us out of our current mess.
Regarding streaming - I am a huge fan. I have a gazillion CDs and hundreds of records. I still enjoy vinyl very much. But the amount of new music I’ve been introduced and reintroduced to through streaming is incredible. Bob Dylan has jumped out of my Mytek Manhatten and is currently standing in my room.
From my vantage point The Kids are Alright. YMMV.
My point is that I see folks on here belittling their generation and it really pisses me off. Sure there are plenty of youngsters out there that don’t have much substance to them but that was true in my day too - look at all the folks that ruined my high school experience with disco. The fact is these kids will lead us out of our current mess.
Regarding streaming - I am a huge fan. I have a gazillion CDs and hundreds of records. I still enjoy vinyl very much. But the amount of new music I’ve been introduced and reintroduced to through streaming is incredible. Bob Dylan has jumped out of my Mytek Manhatten and is currently standing in my room.
From my vantage point The Kids are Alright. YMMV.